The Brothel of Ephesus is the building located at the crossing of Marble street and Curetes street. It is believed to have been constructed in the 1st century AD about the same time as the baths and the latrines. During Byzantine period, the front part of the Brothel was modified and used as stoa.
The building has been called the brothel because a statue of Priapus with an oversize phallus was excavated from the house. This statue had been removed from the site and is now on view in the Ephesus Museum. Only the first floor of the structure survives today.
The brothel had two entrances, one from either of the main streets. On first floor there is a large salon hall for socializing. The second floor would have been where the women took their visitors. The west side of the house has a reception room with a mosaic decoration depicting the four seasons. On this mosaic the figures of Winter with her head covered and Autumn holding a garland of flowers are fairly well preserved.
Next to the reception area is a small bathing room with an elliptical pool. This is because health control and cleanness would have been vital in the brothel. All visitors would have been required to clean their hands and feet before entering the main salon. The bottom of the pool is decorated with elaborate mosaic of two women enjoying a meal with a man.
Along Curetes street is an ancient advertisement for the bordello. Most visitors notice the drawing of a left foot first. This would have meant the brothel was on the left side and anybody whose foot was smaller than that size would have been declared underage and denied entry. There’s a drawing of a woman and a coin-purse to tell visitors what could be purchased at the establishment and a box showing that the library was directly across the street.