Archeology Museum

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The Archaeological Museum of Ephesusis located near the Basilica of St. John and houses pieces found during the excavations from the ancient city of Ephesus after 1923. Works of art excavated between 1867-1905 were taken to the British Museum and those excavated between 1905-1923 were taken to Vienna. After 1923 the Turkish Republic imposed a ban for removing artifacts from the country and established The Archaeological Museum of Ephesus near the ancient city.

Unlike most museums, The Archaeological Museum of Ephesus is not arranged in chronological order. Each hall is themed around the area where the artworks were found or what function they served. The rooms have been given names like The Terrace Houses Findings Room, The Coins Room, The Hall of The Fountain Relics, The Imperial Court, and The Hall of Artemis.

Two of the highlights of the Ephesus Museum are the giant statues of Artemis, patron goddess of the ancient city. Both statutes depict the goddess with holy animals on her skirt, multiple breasts, and either eggs or bull testicles. All represent the goddesses nature as a fertility deity. The “Beautiful Artemis” dates from the 1st century AD and the “Great Artemis” from the 2nd century AD.

The Terrace House Findings Roomholds household materials and pieces of the daily lives of wealthy Ephesians. Unique items include cosmetic tools manufactured by the medical school. a  bronze Eros figure with a dolphin, and a figurine of Bes that was found in the Ephesus bordello.

The Fountain Findings Hall has artifacts from the Trajan and Pollio fountains. Statues of Dionysus and Aphrodite are on display along with a head of Zeus. The Coins Section has currencies from different eras of the city and the Emperor’s Hall houses sculptures from the Roman public areas. The friezes from Hadrian’s Temple describing founding of Ephesus city and some pieces of the Domitian statute are found in this section.

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